Wednesday, February 19, 2014

If you think my hands are full, you should see my ♥heart♥

It happens almost every time I go anywhere with all three of my littles. "Oh my, you have your hands full!" "How do you do it?" "You are one busy mom" and my very favorite "why did you have them all so close together?". But, do they know how I feel? How I really, really feel? I usually just laugh it off or say a quick "yup, I've got my hands full!" Sure, some days I think to myself, what was I thinking? I DO have my hands full. And sure, there are days where I think how can I possibly make it through this day? You know those days where the kids are fighting because......... "he looked at me!" " He is looking out my window!" "He told me he didn't want to play wrestling!" "he is sitting too close to me!".....those days where you just don't feel good but you still have dishes to do, laundry to wash, meals to make, things to clean, toys to pick up, kiddos to play with. Let's be honest, everyone has "those" days. But, 95% of the time I feel like shouting back at them "IF YOU THINK MY HANDS ARE FULL, YOU SHOULD SEE MY HEART!!!"

  Do they know? Do they know how it feels to be greeted with 3 little hugs in the morning? Boys that are so excited to see you that they sneak in to wake you up? Do they know how it feels to get little projects from school that say how much they love their mom? Do they know how it feels to have 3 boys fighting over who gets to sit next to mom? Do they know how it feels to hear true-from-your-gut-little boy belly laughs? Do they know how it feels to have 3 boys yelling I love you more, I love you bigger than 10,000 giants, I love you most-est when they are supposed to be sleeping? Do they know how it feels to see beautiful, genuine little boy smiles every day? They must not know because surely they would understand. My heart IS full, my hands ARE full, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

It happens a lot. More than I'd like to admit..... I'm not an emotional person. Or at least, I used to not be. But here I am.....again......being emotional because I'm just so blessed. SO SO blessed. Sometimes I think, how in the world did I get picked to be momma of these three sometimes crazy but mostly just super sweet boys, wife to that loves us oh-so-much- husband, sister, daughter, in law to that crazy, huge, loud,always having fun, always there no matter what family, homemaker of that leaky, things keep failing but oh-so-beautiful house? How can it be that I am so blessed?

 Because there is one that loves me like no one else, because I put all my trust in HIM, because I am loved more than I will ever know by HIM who died to know me. My heart is full because of HIM. Every good and perfect gift is from above and I will always give HIM praise.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Dear Makeup, I love you.

Dear Makeup,
I love you.

 I just realized that I haven't typed any words other that those about my faith and my stunningly amazing family. :) (Which shouldn't be too surprising because those are my #1 and #2 things that are most important to me) But..................... up there on my top 20 list of things I love is............ makeup! I LOVE makeup. I love putting makeup on people, I love playing with makeup, I love making women feel better about themselves with makeup, I love, love, love it! If you didn't already know, I'm a licensed esthetician (skin care person) and have been working with makeup and skin care, doing makeovers and selling makeup for 13 years. I've done wedding makeup, photography makeup, and just everyday makeup. There's just something so amazing about a woman coming in feeling down about herself and me being able to pick her back up by doing type of creative outlet, my art. I've heard stories of divorce, weight loss, and life changing events all while doing makeup. Mother and daughter dates, women who just need a new look, women who have had happy and horribly sad things that make them feel that they need a change. This pigmented substance has the power to make women see themselves in a different way, and I love it for that.

“Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.”
Gwyneth Paltrow

How true is that! I believe some of the most beautiful women I know are comfortable with themselves, just they way they are. In their own skin...not worried about makeup. But, a kick ass red lipstick just really has the ability to change your day! :) $2.00 makeup $50.00 makeup, I don't judge.... I love it all.